Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Drupal 7 theming - Work in Progress - Template cheat sheet

page.tpl.php variables
General Variables
$base_path The base URL path of the Drupal installation.
$directory The directory where the current selected template is located.
$is_front TRUE if the current page is the front page.
$logged_in TRUE if the user is registered and logged in.
$is_admin TRUE if the user has permission to access administration pages.
Site Identity
$front_page URL of the front page
$logo Path to the logo image
$site_name Name of the site
$site_slogan Slogan of the site
$highlight Highlighted content, typically found at the top. See “$mission”
$title_prefix An array containing additional output populated by modules
$title The page title
$title_suffix An array containing additional output populated by modules.
$messages HTML for status and error messages
$tabs Tabs linking to any sub-pages beneath the current page
$action_links Actions local to the page
$feed_icons A string of all feed icons for the current page
$node The node object
$mission deprecated
$main_menu An array containing the Main menu links for the site
$secondary_menu An array containing the Secondary menu links for the site
$breadcrumb The breadcrumb trail for the current page
html.tpl.php variables
$css An array of CSS files for the current page.
$language The language the site is being displayed in.
$language->dir $language->language contains the language direction. It will either be ‘ltr’ or ‘rtl’. contains its textual representation.
$head_title A modified version of the page title, for use in the TITLE tag.
$head_title_array An associative array containing title : The title of the current page, if any. name: The name of the site. slogan: The slogan of the site, if any, and if there is no title.
$head Markup for the HEAD section (including meta tags, keyword tags, and so on)
$styles Style tags necessary to import all CSS files for the page
$scripts Script tags necessary to load the JavaScript files and settings for the page
$page_top Initial markup from any modules that have altered the page.
$page Rendered page content
$page_bottom Final closing markup from any modules that have altered the page. This variable should always be output last, after all other dynamic content.
$classes String of classes that can be used to style contextually through CSS.
block.tpl.php variables
Available Variables
$title Block title
$content Block content.
$block->module Module that generated the block.
$block->delta An ID for the block
$block->region The block region embedding the current block
$classes String of classes that can be used to style contextually through CSS
$title_prefix An array containing additional output
$title_suffix An array containing additional output
Helper Variables
$classes_array Array of HTML class attribute values
$block_zebra Outputs ‘odd’ and ‘even’ dependent on each block region.
$zebra Same output as $block_zebra but independent of any block region.
$block_id Counter dependent on each block region.
$id Same output as $block_id but independent of any block region.
$is_front Flags true when presented in the front page
$logged_in lags true when the current user is a logged in member.
$is_admin Flags true when the current user is an administrator.
$block_html_id A valid HTML ID and guaranteed unique.

node.tpl.php variables
Available Variables
$title The title of the node.
$content An array of node items. Use render($content) to print them all, or print a subset such as render($content[‘field_ example’]). Use hide($content[‘field_example’]) to temporarily suppress the printing of a given element.
$user_picture The node author’s picture from user-picture.tpl.php.
$date Formatted creation date
$name Themed username of node author output from theme_ username().
$terms the themed list of taxonomy term links output from theme_links().
$node_url Direct url of the current node.
$display_submitted Whether submission information should be displayed.
$submitted Submission information created from $name and $date during
$classes String of classes that can be used to style contextually through CSS
$title_prefix An array containing additional output populated by modules
$title_suffix An array containing additional output populated by modules
Other variables
$node Full node object
$type Node type
$comment_count Number of comments attached to the node.
$uid User ID of the node author.
$created Time the node was published formatted in Unix timestamp.
$classes_array Array of HTML class attribute values.
$zebra Outputs either “even” or “odd”.
$id Position of the node. Increments each time it’s output.
$terms Outputs taxonomy terms associated to nodes
Node Status
$view_mode View mode, e.g. ‘full’, ‘teaser’.
$teaser Flag for the teaser state (shortcut for $view_mode == ‘teaser’)
$page: Flag for the full page state.
$promote lag for front page promotion state.
$sticky Flags for sticky post setting.
$status Flags for content status
$comment State of comment settings for the node.
$readmore Flags TRUE if the teaser content of the node cannot hold the main body content.
$is_front Flags TRUE if current page is the front page.
$logged_in Flags TRUE when the current user is a logged in member.
$is_admin Flags TRUE when the current user is an administrator.
comment.tpl.php variables
$author Author of the comment
$content An array of comment items. Use render($content) to print them all, or print a subset such as render($content[‘field_ example’])
$created Formatted date and time for when the comment was created
$changed Formatted date and time for when the comment was last changed.
$new New comment marker.
$permalink Comment permalink.
$submitted Submission information created from $author and $created
$picture Author's picture.
$signature Author's signature.
$status Comment status
$title Linked title.
$classes String of classes that can be used to style contextually through CSS
$title_prefix An array containing additional output populated by modules
$title_suffix An array containing additional output populated by modules
$comment Full comment object
$node Node object the comments are attached to
Template files
[themename].info Meta data, CSS, JavaScript, block regions
html.tpl.php Page wrapper for your theme. Here you have the DOCTYPE declaration, the <head> info, and page closer.
page.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a single Drupal page.
region.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a region.
block.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a block.
node.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a node.
node--[content-type].tpl.php Template for displaying a node of a specific content type.
page--front.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a custom frontpage
node--blog.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a node of type blog
page--node-[#].tpl.php Theme implementation to display page with node ID #
block--[region].tpl.php Theme implementation for block in region name
html.tpl.php code
$header <head profile=”<?php print $grddl_profile; ?>”> <?php print $head; ?> <title><?php print $head_title; ?></title> <?php print $styles; ?> <?php print $scripts; ?> </head>
body <body class=”<?php print $classes; ?>” <?php print $attributes;?>> <div id=”skip-link”> <a href=”#main-menu”><?php print t(‘Jump to Navigation’); ?></a> </div> <?php print $page_top; ?> <?php print $page; ?> <?php print $page_bottom; ?> </body>
Logo <?php if ($logo): ?> <a href=”<?php print $front_page; ?>” title=”<?php print t(‘Home’); ?>” rel=”home” id=”logo”><img src=”<?php print $logo; ?>” alt=”<?php print t(‘Home’); ?>” /></a> <?php endif; ?>
Site Name <?php if ($site_name): ?> <?php if ($title): ?> <div id=”site-name”><strong> <a href=”<?php print $front_page; ?>” title=”<?php print t(‘Home’); ?>” rel=”home”><span><?php print $site_name; ?></span></a> </strong></div> <?php else: ?> <h1 id=”site-name”> <a href=”<?php print $front_page; ?>” title=”<?php print t(‘Home’); ?>” rel=”home”><span><?php print $site_name; ?></span></a> </h1> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?>
Site Slogan <?php if ($site_slogan): ?> <div id=”site-slogan”><?php print $site_slogan; ?></div> <?php endif; ?>
Header <?php print render($page[‘header’]); ?>
Highlight <?php print render($page[‘highlight’]); ?>
Breadcrum <?php print $breadcrumb; ?>
Title Prefix <?php print render($title_prefix); ?>
Page Title <h1 class=”title” id=”page-title”><?php print $title; ?></h1>
Title Suffix <?php print render($title_suffix); ?>
Messages <?php print $messages; ?>
Tabs <?php print render($tabs); ?>
Help <?php print render($page[‘help’]); ?>
Content <?php print render($page[‘content’]); ?>
Action Links <ul class=”action-links”><?php print render($action_links); ?></ul>
Main Menu <?php print theme(‘links__system_main_menu’, array( ‘links’ => $main_menu, ‘attributes’ => array( ‘id’ => ‘main-menu’, ‘class’ => array(‘links’, ‘clearfix’), ), ‘heading’ => array( ‘text’ => t(‘Main menu’), ‘level’ => ‘h2’, ‘class’ => array(‘element-invisible’), ),)); ?>
Secondary Menu <?php print theme(‘links__system_secondary_menu’, array( ‘links’ => $secondary_menu, ‘attributes’ => array( ‘id’ => ‘secondary-menu’, ‘class’ => array(‘links’, ‘clearfix’), ), ‘heading’ => array( ‘text’ => t(‘Secondary menu’), ‘level’ => ‘h2’, ‘class’ => array(‘element-invisible’), ),)); ?>
Navigation <?php print render($page[‘navigation’]); ?>
Sidebar Region <?php print render($page[‘sidebar_first’]); ?>
Footer <?php print render($page[‘footer’]); ?>


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