Sunday, August 18, 2013

How to add an RSS Feed to your Blogger Blog, 5 easy steps.

Thought this might help a couple folks:

Step 1. Acquire the URL to the feed that you would like to add.
In this case, I just brought up the context menu and clicked "Copy link address"

Step 2.  Go to your account dashboard and click "Layout"
Step 3. Click "Add a Gadget"
This will bring up a new window. If you don't see it, look for it behind your other windows.
Step 4. Scroll down and click "Feed"

Still with me? :-)

Step 5. Add the Feed URL to the dialog box. Click "Continue".

If you copied it to your clipboard, you can just "Ctrl-v" and paste it right in.
Easy peezy!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

For those of your who code PHP, please see the enclosed link.

There is far too much disinformation running around out there on the Intertoobs about which way to code PHP. Best practices are seemingly in conflict from source to source, or just missing altogether.

To solve that, check this out:

Do it!